BioTE® Hormone Replacement Therapy

Sooner or later, the aging process catches up with all of us. For some, it starts with a persistent midday slump that they just can’t shake. Others are bothered by fat accumulation around their midsections, or even a diminished libido. Hormonal fluctuations, which occur naturally throughout life, are often at the center of these changes.

At CaloSpa®, hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, can help people from Louisville and Lexington, KY, and Floyds Knobs, IN, safely regain some of the benefits of their youth. Our providers trust BioTE HRT pellets because they offer a steady, even release of hormones at a level that’s both safe and very effective shown by years of research and evidence-based medicine.

Studies have shown that optimized hormones significantly reduce the risk of serious health problems, such as: Osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s Disease, Heart Disease, and Diabetes.

Who Is a Candidate?

BioTE hormone pellets are available in specific formulations for both men and women. Symptoms of hormone imbalance are often vague and can be linked to other conditions; however, if you’re bothered by 5 or more of the following, you may be a good candidate for HRT with BioTE:

  • Reduced interest in sex
  • Poor muscle tone
  • Aches and pains, especially in the joints
  • Trouble losing weight, even with methods that may have worked in the past
  • “Middle-aged spread” of unwanted fat around the midsection
  • Mental symptoms such as brain fog, anxiety, or depression
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Trouble falling asleep or sleep disturbances

What Is BioTE?

BioTE is an innovative option for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. While many hormones are administered orally or through topical creams, BioTE hormones are delivered through very small pellets placed in the fatty layer of tissue just beneath the skin. BioTE’s delivery system is preferred for a number of reasons. Perhaps most significantly is the even, time-released delivery of hormones. Rather than having the daily “roller coaster” effect of hormones as you would when taking them orally or placing a cream on the skin, you can enjoy an even, steady dose for 3–5 months — no pills to remember to take!

BioTE uses plant-based sources, carefully compounded by a pharmacist into pellets that are about the size of a grain of rice. As the pellets are placed beneath the skin, the hormones begin working within a few days.

While HRT can re-invigorate you from the outside in, our other services can keep you looking as good as you feel. Our selection of clinical-grade skincare products and even hair restoration treatment can bring your look to life.

Expert Injectors

Dawn Recktenwald, RN

Dawn Recktenwald, RN

I love performing BOTOX®/ Dysport® treatments for both women and men. These treatments are affordable, quick, easy, and virtually pain free. Patients go from "virgin" to "addicted" in one short treatment.

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Bethany Shively, DNP, APRN, FNP-C

Bethany Shively, DNP, APRN, FNP-C

Injectables are a great option for patients who desire a refreshed and rejuvenated look. Our expert injectors invest time in creating a personalized treatment to give optimal aesthetic results to each patient they care for.

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Kaitlyn Chesser, APRN, FNP-C

Kaitlyn Chesser, APRN, FNP-C

I enjoy focusing on a person's overall well-being and take a holistic approach to medical aesthetics. Helping patients feel better from the inside out through hormone replacement therapy and healthy nutrition is one of my passions.

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Lacey M. McCauley MMS, PA-C

Lacey M. McCauley MMS, PA-C

With a background in medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology, I'm excited to share my passion for advanced skin care treatments and the latest cosmetic techniques with patients. Our team customizes these treatments for each patient.

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Nicole Beams, RN, BSN

Nicole Beams, RN, BSN

One of my favorite injectable treatments are the neurotoxins. The treatment is quick, effective and offers beautiful results that can last for months.

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Expert Injectors

How Does the Procedure Work?

The brief BioTE procedure at our Louisville and Lexington spa is performed right in the office, by one of our certified providers. During your visit, your CaloSpa® provider uses a fine needle to administer lidocaine, a powerful anesthetic, to the soft tissue in the rear of your hip, just above your buttocks. This area is where the pellets will be placed. Your provider then makes a very small incision, about 5 millimeters, in the anesthetized area. The pellets are inserted using a special cannula, and the incision is closed with a special bandage that may be removed at home in a few days.

After your appointment, you may return to your normal daily activities. We encourage you to avoid strenuous lower body exercises for 7 days after treatment to allow the incision site to heal. Your provider may give you special instructions for when to remove your bandage.

Side effects of BioTE are minimal, but some patients report acne, facial hair, or thinning hair, which are temporary and reversible.

The BioTe experience at Calospa begins with your lab work to see where you may have deficiencies. Your labs will be reviewed by our certified provider and an individual dosing plan will be created.

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Often Asked

Q. How often do patients need pellets?

A. For women, 3, 4, 5 or even 6 months. Most women, however, have symptom relief around 3 to 4 months on average. For men, 4, 5, or 6 months.

Q. How long will it take for the pellets to get into my bloodstream?

A. 24 to 72 hours. Symptom relief can occur anywhere from 24 hours to up to 3 weeks for first-time patients.

Q. What about birth control?

A. Stay on your birth control. Pellets do not serve as a method of contraception. Premenopausal women need to remain on birth control to avoid pregnancy.

Q. What kind of blood work is pulled for testing?

A. For women: estradiol, total testosterone, FSH, TSH, total T4, free T3, TPO, CMP (comprehensive metabolic profile), vitamin D, and B12 (lipids are optional).

For men: estradiol, total testosterone, free testosterone, PSA, TSH, total T4, free T3, TPO, CBC, CMP (comprehensive metabolic profile), vitamin D, and B12 (lipids are optional).

Let’s talk about what BioTE can do for you. Request your consultation at CaloSpa® today, or call us in Louisville at (502) 814-3000, Lexington at (859) 269-2256, or Floyds Knobs (812) 920-4880 to schedule your visit.

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