At Calospa we love offering our patients treatments we know will deliver beautiful results. Microneedling has been one of the fastest growing therapies we offer, and in the world of skincare as a whole. As a provider, I can say it is because the results are outstanding! We recently transitioned to a new microneedling device- the Rejuvapen, that allows for precisely customized treatments, as well as minimal downtime.
Before I go any further, I will answer a very popular question–“Does it hurt?!”. I understand that “needling” sounds scary! The Rejuvapen uses a single use, fine gauge needle cartridge that has been designed to minimize discomfort. Also, an aesthetician will apply a topical numbing cream to the area before treatment. Many patients comment that they are surprised by how comfortable they are during and after the treatment.
Using fractionated injury to induce collagen production is not a new concept but the way it has been adapted through technology has seen fast advancement in the past few years. Ablative and non-ablative fractional therapies have been using similar concepts for many years now, most are familiar with Fraxel or have seen needle rollers. Rejuvapen is one of the latest innovations in Fractional Collagen Induction Therapy.
Rejuvapen creates thousands of micro-channels that allow for optimal absorption of topical ingredients. At Calospa we apply Skin Medica TNS Recovery Complex, a potent growth factor serum that promotes collagen synthesis and tissue recovery. Using this product at home after your treatment is a great way to insure less downtime and enhance collagen remodeling. Fractional injuries trigger the cascade of cell communication that produces collagen and elastin in the deeper layers of the skin. This stimulates skin rejuvenation which can be seen in the form of improved texture and firmness.
Reducing fine lines and laxity are just a few of the indications for microneedling. Improvements can be seen with stretch marks, enlarged pores, scars, acne scars, and irregular pigmentation. Rejuvapen is a great option for those with sensitivities to chemical peels or are not candidates for laser modalities. I often recommend it for those patients who say they just aren’t ready for injectables, because this is using your body’s own collagen for correction. Rejuvapen can treat large areas on the body, such as a stomach for stretch marks-or small areas such as the upper lip or under eyes. Microneedling is truly one of the most versatile treatments I have worked with as a clinical aesthetician.
For an in-depth consultation please call our office to schedule an appointment. A licensed aesthetician will be happy to discuss if Rejuvapen is the right treatment to address your individual skin concerns. Consider this your first step in finally seeing dramatic and lasting improvements in your skin!
CaloSpa Aesthetician, Sabrina Willis
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