New Year New You…
Using Massage therapy and Calospa to help rid you of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), post Holiday blues and any new goals you have set for 2015!
So what is SAD?
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you’re like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months; sapping your energy and making you feel moody.
Holliday blues, holiday depression, or post-Christmas blues, these commonly used terms depict the mental distress occurring after the winter holidays and festival season.
Massage can Help!!
It is the position of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) that massage therapy can be effective in reducing the symptoms of depression. Most massage therapist can provide the kind of massage you will need to help with depression, anger, anxiety and stress relief. Moderate pressure is the key factor for massage therapy to be effective. Any type of massage therapist who uses moderate pressure should be able to help with mood management. Benefits of massage go beyond stress relief, for as little as 15 minutes may offer relief from depression, anger, and anxiety.
Making the New Year great! Setting some goals around what you want. What brings you joy? What brings you peace? What brings you contentment? Jot these things down and take part in activities that bring you toward your goals. Frequently, more is less, and never more so than after the holidays.
Calospa offers a lot of services that will help you along the way. Our M’lis detoxifying wrap is a great jumpstart to any detox program. The wrap is designed to help you rid the body of waist. Purification and elimination are the primary goals. Along with massage that also flush out the holiday toxins and stress. Our Ideal protein is a weight loss medically designed program that promotes weight loss while enhancing lean muscle.
Be good to yourself in 2015. That could be regular massage an exercise or weight loss goal….just making time for yourself.
Make 2015 great!
Amy Green, LMT
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