Skincare staple – Tretinoin, a derivative of vitamin A , is a topical treatment for mild to moderate acne and for skin that has been damaged by excessive exposure to the sun. Tretinion increases the turnover of cells, replacing the damaged cells with new healthy cells. You will notice a reduction in wrinkles, darkened skin (hyperpigmentation), and rough areas of skin, all of which occur when the skin is sun-damaged. In patients with sun-damaged skin improvements are usually seen within the first 3 to 4 weeks of treatment. Wrinkles decrease or disappear after three to six months. Brown spots begin to fade after six to eight weeks. When taking Tretinion spend as little time as possible in the sun accompanied with sun protection, outerwear such as hats and sunglasses. It is best used in the winter months for three months at a time followed by a two month off period for optimal results.
Avoid using Tretinion if you are allergic to fish, have a skin condition such as eczema, and are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Discontinue use of other topical acne treatments while taking Tretinion. Use alternative facial hair removal methods to waxing.
Enjoy your new healthy skin!
Laura Willis, Beauty Advisor
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