BlueMiaLG-NEW2The classic Clarisonic debate. I have heard both ends of the spectrum. Ultimately I get my patients asking me if a Clarisonic is going to be harmful or helpful to their skin. And my answer is?


I know GASP! How could I possibly tell you that your Clarisonic, which is obviously the best thing since sliced bread, can be bad for your skin? Probably because you’re using it too much!

Exfoliation is an absolute necessity in a skin care regimen and I think most people assume that using a Clarisonic once even twice a day is giving them an everyday exfoliation that they don’t have to think twice about. While this may be true, you could possibly be causing more harm than good with your daily facial cleansing.

If you use a Clarisonic and have noticed these signs since upping your exfoliation game it may be time for a change:

  • Your skin seems overly dry after cleansing and products seem to sting or burn after application.
  • Your skin is inflamed and you see dispersed pink or red undertones on your forehead or cheek areas.
  • Your pigmentation seems to be getting darker and more noticeable.
  • Your breakouts seems to be multiplying and you feel they are more spread out than normal.
  • Your skin is sensitive and feels irritated to the touch.

Look, I am not telling you to go return your Clarisonic, I’m just saying you should be mindful of the way you are using it and how often you are treating your skin with it.

Here are some tips to properly use a Clarisonic and how you can incorporate it to your skincare regimen without going overboard:

  • Only use your 2-3 times a week. Seriously.
  • Use a gentle cleanser with your Clarisonic, not an aggressive exfoliating scrub.
  • Use a moisturizer after using your Clarisonic, you have after all done a cleansing that “removes six times more makeup than cleansing by hand”. Your skin can feel it!

As the saying goes with other things in life, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and that goes for exfoliation. We all want to be over-achievers with our skin but sometimes you don’t have to try so hard! Your skin will thank you for it.

CaloSpa Aesthetician, Brooke Stevenson

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